I saw the quote below on a blog yesterday, loved it, and felt moved to share it with you. I’d probably language the point being made in a slightly different way if I were to create a [...]
Wow. It’s been a while since I’ve posted here. Time really does fly. In this audio post, I want to discuss the 2 forms of learning and experience that have shaped my journey [...]
There are many different types of relationships that support our lives and stories. There’s the relationship with ourselves first and foremost. But what I call The Human Game, The [...]
I don’t normally devote blog posts to book recommendations, but I have one for you today. It’s not a book on spiritual or personal development, however. It has nothing to do [...]
When I was in my 30s (I’m now 55), I read several books about OBEs or what is often called astral projection, most notably the books by Robert Monroe. I was fascinated by the OBE and [...]
Here’s a quote I saw the other day: On my journey, I’ve had a lot of personal experience with dynamics like this. Sometimes, having everything “taken away by life” [...]
I can’t recall where this came from, but the message is very important and I wanted to share it with you. Bars, of course, means “The Cloud Cover”: [...]
Welcome to this 5th and final segment in The Ultimate Key To Happiness series. The 1st segment is here, the 2nd segment is here, the 3rd segment is here, and the 4th segment is here. In this [...]
Welcome to this 4th segment in The Ultimate Key To Happiness series. The 1st segment is here, the 2nd segment is here, and the 3rd segment is here. In this segment, I discuss what I call: Lies, [...]