Welcome to this second episode of my new video series called … Friday Q&As As the name would suggest, in each video, I’ll answer burning questions submitted by subscribers and [...]
Welcome to this second episode of my new video series called … Brutally Honest Tuesdays As the name would suggest, in each video, I’ll take a brutally honest look at what I call [...]
Welcome to the first episode of a new video series I created called “Friday Q&As.” Each Friday, I’ll answer questions from my clients and subscribers about personal [...]
Welcome to this first episode of my new video series called … Brutally Honest Tuesdays As the name would suggest, in each video, I’ll take a brutally honest look at what I call [...]
This post is, in many ways, a “part 2” to the previous post, “Where Is The Real Power?” In most self-help, personal development, manifestation, even spiritual [...]
Who or what REALLY creates, determines or shapes what happens in your life day to day? Is it you? Your mind? Your thoughts? Your energy? Your goals and intent? Your beliefs? Your [...]
I love this quote from Alan Watts. As you read, substitute “art” for “personal development effort” or “spiritual development effort”: “Similarly, [...]
I just saw this unattributed quote in a book I’m reading, got a kick out of it, and thought you might too: “Never be afraid to try something new. Remember, amateurs built the [...]