Hi there and welcome.
Whatever your reason for being here, I’m glad you came.
Let me tell you a little bit about myself to put everything you’ll discover on this site into context.
I’m a New York Times bestselling author, Inc. 500 Entrepreneur, dynamite-the-box thinker, speaker, teacher, and coach …
I’m also the father of 2 extraordinary children, Ali and Aidan (photo on left).
My passion and mission in life is to help people end struggle, suffering, and pain in their lives, and experience what I call “True Happiness” and “Ultimate Freedom” after taking a Journey into seeing and experiencing The Big Truth About Life.
My life has become a glorious adventure, in every sense of the word. But I didn’t always see it that way.
My Journey Began Over A Cup Of Hot Chocolate With My Tycoon Grandfather
My journey into Ultimate Freedom started the day my grandfather, Aaron Scheinfeld, took me aside and started telling me the real story behind his remarkable success. I was 12 years old.
Gramps was an amazing man. Among many other extraordinary skills and achievements, he turned an idea into one of the world’s largest and most successful businesses — Manpower Inc., the world’s largest temporary help service, and a Fortune 150 company with sales in excess of $20 billion dollars a year.
He was the kind of person people always listened to, including me. He was also one of the happiest people I’ve ever known.
The day he told me all his achievements, successes, skills, abilities, and happiness had, as their true source, “power and wisdom in the invisible world few people know about,” I instantly believed him, although I had no idea what he meant.
Gramps died shortly after we had a few brief conversations about his secret, and I later became obsessed with figuring out exactly what he meant, so I could use it to create my own abundant and happy life!

I Created Some BIG Financial Successes, But …
As I followed my obsession, I was able to create many BIG financial successes.
The biggest one was fueling the growth of Blue Ocean Software from $1 million in sales to $44.5 million in sales over 4 years, hitting #55 on the Inc. 500 list of fastest growing companies in the U.S., then selling the company to software giant Intuit for $177 million cash.
But the pattern that kept repeating was I’d create a big financial success, lose everything, create a bigger success, lose it all again. No matter what I did, I couldn’t break that pattern.
During that period in my life, I always felt stressed out, angry, exhausted, confused, unable to enjoy my achievements, and I was alone or in relationships that were difficult and painful.
I knew something was blocking me and causing those patterns to repeat. I knew it had something to do with what Gramps told me, but I still didn’t know what it was!
The Treasure Hunt Of The Century
All told, I spent 33 years on what I call “The Treasure Hunt of the Century,” trying to uncover the secret Gramps teased me about when I was 12!
I studied psychological and mainstream teachings, spiritual and esoteric teachings, ancient and modern teachings. I worked with Tony Robbins for 4 years and became one of his top trainers. I meditated and tried to connect with Higher Intelligence. On and on.
But I didn’t find the secret, the answers, the relief or Transformation I sought, and my anger and frustration continued to rise.
Finally, after hitting my lowest point, feeling absolute desperation, and begging for answers or death, the first Breakthrough came …
What No Book, Course, Workshop, Speaker Or Coach Ever Revealed
The first breakthrough was discovering the True core cause of all my ups, downs, pains, struggles, and repeating patterns …
A core cause I’d never seen shared before by any book, course, workshop, speaker, or coach.
The second breakthrough was discovering what was REALLY blocking me from experiencing True Success, True Happiness, deep fulfillment, and Ultimate Freedom …
Blocks I’d never seen discussed by any book, course, workshop, speaker, or coach.
I was then taken on a journey that Transformed those core causes and fully, completely, and permanently removed ALL the blocks.
I now help other people take the same Journey, and have been thrilled to see tens of thousands of people, all over the world, arrive at the same destination I did …
True Happiness and Ultimate Freedom!
There’s a lot of information on this site about the Journey I took, and the Journey I can help you take too.
What No One Told You …
There’s another story, a Hidden Story underneath everything you focus on day-to-day, even if your focus includes spiritual teachings.
There’s a Deeper Level to “The Game Of Life” you can Experience.
When The Hidden Story is revealed to you, and The Deeper Level is reached …
An extraordinary Shift takes place inside of you and outside of you, as the Experience of True Happiness and Ultimate Freedom awakens.
That’s what happened to me and what can happen for you too, right here, right now.
It is my honor and pleasure to invite you to join me, and tens of thousands of others worldwide, who have discovered The Hidden Story, reached The Deeper Level, and Transformed their lives in ways no other teaching, system, method, or practice helped them do.
“A Bright Light Guiding Me Through The Darkness”
BTW … several years ago, multiple people sent me letters at the same time using the metaphor of a lighthouse to describe how they saw me and the Experiences I offer.
They said The Teachings were like a bright “light” guiding them through the “darkness” of daily life.
I felt honored by that metaphor, and I liked it a lot, so I adopted it as a sort of logo and theme.
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“Dive Deep. Rise Transformed.”