I’ve gotten a lot of questions lately …

From people new to The Teachings I share …

And experienced Players too …

Asking me to clarify EXACTLY what I mean by:

  1. “The Human Game”
  2. Phase 1
  3. Phase 2
  4. Phase 3
  5. Ultimate Freedom

So, in my latest issue of Friday Q&As, I recorded an audio to respond to the many questions.

If you’re new to The Teachings, this new audio is a definite must for you to hear.

If you’re experienced with the Busting Loose/Phase 2 Teachings, you already know about The Human Game, Phase 1, and Phase 2, but I predict you’ll benefit greatly from hearing what I have to say about Phase 3 and Ultimate Freedom.

Click on the link below to get immediate access to an audio, transcript, and eBook download if you’d like to know more:

Phase1-Phase2-Phase3-Ultimate Freedom



How To Knock Out The Rest Of Your Cloud Cover And Make The Leap Into Phase 3 And Ultimate Freedom

Just click on the link below to register for my brand new Ultimate Freedom fr^e video training:

Ultimate Freedom Training


Truthful Quote Of The Week

You are the solution to all your problems, because when you are solved, all your problems are solved.”

– Wu-Hsin, ancient Chinese Master

Note: Solving “you” is what The Ultimate Freedom Experience is all about. To learn more, check out my new fr^e video training:

Solve Yourself


Until we connect again, as always, I wish you an ever expanding Experience of Truth!

BTW: If anyone you know (friend, colleague or client) could benefit from what I shared here, please forward this email to them.


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